• 3/32" Tungsten Carbide High Precision Ball (14)

Schelle 3/32" Tungsten Carbide High Precision Balls are the perfect upgrade for the ball differential in your Associated, TLR, Kyosho, or Yokomo buggy. These are the highest precision possible, with each ball measuring the same diameter at all points within 10 / 1,000,000 ths of an inch. This precision give you the smooth feeling diff like a cermic diff ball, but with the perfect hardness and ease of setting that comes with a Tungsten Carbide diff ball.

Vehicles with 14 pcs 3/32" Diff Ball: B5, B5M, TLR 22 2.0, TLR 22 SCT

Each package contains 14 pcs 3/32" Tungsten Carbide High Precision Balls inside of a mini snap case along with a Schelle mini decal.




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3/32" Tungsten Carbide High Precision Ball (14)

  • 11,99$

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