• Crafts Through the Year

Author: Thomas and Petra Berger

Publisher: Floris Book

Publication Date: 2000

Extent: 176 pages

Format: paperback

ISBN-13: 9780863158285

Dimension: 23 X 21 X 2

Weight: 500 gr

Making homemade toys and decorations is an excellent way for children to become involved in the celebration of festivals throughout the year. 

Step-by-step instructions for making a range of toys and decorations to help children engage with festivals and seasons of the year.

This comprehensive book includes crafts for children to make, either at home or school. Detailed instructions, diagrams and colour photographs on making a range of seasonal items are given: from decorated eggs and pompom, straw and origami animals, to autumn garlands, lanterns, festive wreaths and paper window stars. 

Packed with enjoyable projects, this is the perfect resource for both parents and teachers. 

This is a compilation of the Christmas, Easter and Harvest Craft Books. This new edition has been fully revised.

Thomas Berger studied graphics and worked in printing and publishing in Holland. He and his wife Petra have found creative ways of celebrating the festivals and seasons of the year with their children.


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