You are unique! How can I convince you?
When will you come to terms
with those undeniable facts
and believe them blindly?
You are unique!
You are original like a masterpiece
of inestimable value!
You are magnificent!
That is what twins Liana and Felipe hear on the day of their seventeenth birthday, following the accident that holds them in the hereafter, between life and death. After finding themselves on the other side of the veil, they meet a Spiritual Guide who teaches them three essential lessons in order for them to remember:
* where they come from: their true origin as spiritual beings;
* who they truly are;
* where they are going after this encounter.
When will you come to terms
with those undeniable facts
and believe them blindly?
You are unique!
You are original like a masterpiece
of inestimable value!
You are magnificent!
That is what twins Liana and Felipe hear on the day of their seventeenth birthday, following the accident that holds them in the hereafter, between life and death. After finding themselves on the other side of the veil, they meet a Spiritual Guide who teaches them three essential lessons in order for them to remember:
* where they come from: their true origin as spiritual beings;
* who they truly are;
* where they are going after this encounter.
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Ebook Remember who you are! - Tome 1 - PDF FORMAT, English version
- Modèle: Remember who you are!
- Disponibilité: En stock
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