• INT056-04 - Grey Wash Dark 4oz Tattoo Ink

Élargissez vos horizons de tatouage avec la possibilité d’acheter des nuances de gris préformées pour obtenir une teinte de tatouage uniforme à chaque fois. Éliminez les approximations en plongeant dans l'eau et faites-en une chose du passé! Jetez également un coup d'œil au grey wash medium et light.


Expand your tattooing creative horizons with the capability to purchase pre-formulated shades of gray for consistent tattoo shading everytime. Take the guesswork out of dipping in water and make inconsitency a thing of the past! Also check out the medium and light gray wash along with Sumi wash to keep your tattoo ink shading options open!

Rather than mixing up a new batch each time you have to create some shading in a piece, Intenze created our Gray Wash Dark tattoo Ink with you in mind, so there is a consistent color for each time a tattoo calls for some shading.

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INT056-04 - Grey Wash Dark 4oz Tattoo Ink

  • 48,95$

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