• Mattress style: Dome Style Plush Pillow Top
  • Coil Style: 
    • Tri Zone Pocket Coils
    • High tempered coil
    • 1.8mm Coils in head and leg zones
    • 2.0mm Coils in middle (lumbar zone)
  • Fabric: 
    • Charcoal Bamboo fabric
    • Black Diamond Edge Tape
  • Quilting:
    • 1" foam with 20oz hallow fiber
    • Tack and Jump Diamond pattern
  • Comfort Upholstery:
    • 2" Ultra soft foam in pillow top with 2cm gel
    • 2" High Density foam support at bottom
    • 4" Hard foam perimeter (encasement) for best side support
    • Double fibre pad with lumbar support
  • Lable: 
    • Printed corner lable and Embroidered hand tag

(image sur le site du marchand)

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Matelas Double Spine Comfort

  • 659,00$

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