• MaxOptimizer, antenne CB base emplace IMAX000

The Ultimate Optimizable 10-11 Meter Antenne de Base, replaces the Imax 2000

5/8 Wave Heavy Duty Fiberglass Omnidirectional Base Station Antenna

Features And Benefits:

  • MaxOptimizer vous pouvez la calibrer de 10 -11 meter antenna that will perform well in both bands or optimize the antenna for the 11 meter band.
  • To Optimize for 11 meter performance assemble the antenna with the 12" optimizer section installed between the mid and top section as a 4 piece antenna.
  • For balanced 10-11 meter performance leave out the 12" optimizer section and assemble as 3 piece antenna.
  • Top Performing CB Base Station Antenna


  • Couvre 26 MHz to 33.5 MHz using patented tuning rings and trimming the top section; Approximately Twice the 2:1 SWR Bandwidth as the A-99 / MAX-99
  • 3MHz with SWR<2:1
  • The Entire Antenna Radiates - Producing a Gain 1 to 2 db Higher than the best of the competitors 5/8 wavelength antennas
  • Antenna tested to 5000 Watts without failure
  • Mounting system provides easy one piece installation
  • Long ferrules make for a mechanically strong antenna
  • Comes in three 3-4 sections which are UPS shippable
  • Meets or exceeds CPSC shock hazard standards
  • Add the IMAX-GPK Ground Plane Kit for even better performance

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MaxOptimizer, antenne CB base emplace IMAX000

  • SolutionCB

  • Modèle: MaxOptimizer
  • Disponibilité: En stock
  • 289,95$

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