• Prayers for Parents and Children

Subtitle: And Life etween Birth and Death as a Mirror of Life between Death and New Birth (Lecture of 2 february 1915, Dornach)

Author: Rudolf Steiner

Publisher: Rudolf Steiner Press

Publication Date: 2004

Extent: 67 pages

Format: Paperback

ISBN-13: 9781855840362

Dimension: 22 X 14 X 1

Weight: 125 gr

This collection of special prayers is a wonderful companion for parents and carers seeking to help children on their journey through childhood. There are verses for every occasion: for the mother to speak as the incarnating soul prepares to be born; for the baby after its birth; for very young and older children; as well as prayers for morning and evening, and graces to be spoken at the table.

The context for the prayers is provided by Rudolf Steiner's lecture at the end of the book, which gives an insight into the larger cosmic relationships that individuals are immersed in before birth, during life, and after death.

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Prayers for Parents and Children

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