• Warpaints Kings of War Greenskins Paint Set

The Greenskin paint set has a colour palette that has been designed to enable you to paint any type of Greenskins army, including their beasts and war machines.


  •  WP1109 Goblin Green
  •  WP1137 Quickshade Green Tone Wash
  •  WP1122 Fur Brown
  •  WP1208 Crusted Sore
  •  WP1112 Angel Green
  •  WP1433 Jungle Green
  •  WP1448 Poisonous Cloud
  •  WP1464 Werewolf Fur
  •  WP1479 Dry Rust
  •  WP1131 Gun Metal

We recommend you supplement the Greenskins paint set with the Warpaints Starter Paint set for all the essential colours, like black, white, etc.

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Warpaints Kings of War Greenskins Paint Set

  • 42,00$

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