• Rain check (version numérique EPUB) - Carole Marcoux

The greatest victory is to consciously succeed in materializing the thoughts that you have chosen with the goal of being happy. I profoundly believe that you have the fundamental right to grow up in safety and confidence, in spite of and regardless of the trials. It’s not what you experience that determines your life, but what you choose to do with it. Other people’s teachings aren’t enough if you aren’t open to your own quest. Your wounds are intimate guides to your mission. Give them the love and the attention they need to give back to you your freedom to be. Our personal history is a movie that we have to take control of to become our own producer or artistic director!

Do you believe in yourself? That’s the beginning!


Nom de l'auteure: Carole Marcoux
Nombre de pages: 168
Format du manuscrit: EPUB
ISBN: 978-2-89775-298-9
Éditeur: Les Éditions de l'Apothéose
Date de parution: décembre 2019

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Rain check (version numérique EPUB) - Carole Marcoux

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