• Sodalite A-Quality tumblestones in jar

Sodalite A-Quality - tumblestones - in transparent jar Origin: Bolivia. Chakras: neck & brow. Sign: Aries. Sodalite is named after its sodium content, it may be classed as a feldspathoid. Only blue stones are used in jewelry, sometimes they have violet tint. Sodalite may also be grey, yellow, green, or pink and is often mottled with white veins or patches. Sodalite supports insight and helps to be loyal towards yourself. It enhances self-acceptation, self-respect and self-confidence. Sodalite reinforces logical thinking and reasoning and objectivity, and unifies this with intuition. The stone will absorb electromagnetic radiation from computers and cellphones, and stimulates a deep, insightful meditation. It can be used in a group to enhance harmony, trust and solidarity. Physically, it helps with complaints of the throat, neck, larynx, and vocal chords (hoarseness). It is cooling so beneficial with fever, hypertension, and supports digestion. Above-mentioned information has not been acknowledged scientifically, but is based on experiences and results of users and therapists. When uncertain, always consult a doctor.

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Sodalite A-Quality tumblestones in jar

  • 2,99$

  • Prix en points récompenses: 100

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