• Encyclopedia of Card Tricks - Jean Hugard

Ce livre (exclusivement en anglais) vous explique comment faire plus de 600 tours de carte professionnels:

(impromptu card tricks, spelling tricks, ''you do as i do'' trick, diachylon tricks, calculation tricks, tricks using key cards, tricks based on a one-way pack, prearranged pack, Svengali pack, Mene-Tekel pack, stripper pack, specila packs; miscellaneous tricks including Everywhere and Nowhere, The case of four kings, Card in orange, The Buddha Whispers, and Inseparable Aces; a chapter on Nikola Card System, a chapter on thecnique and most important sleights-overhand shuffle, riffle shuffle, false cut, palm, simple passd, double lift, glide,and force).

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Encyclopedia of Card Tricks - Jean Hugard

  • MagieMagic

  • Modèle: X0463 English/Anglais
  • Disponibilité: En stock
  • 22,00$

  • Prix en points récompenses: 880

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