Formule pour la peau extra sensible au bicarbonate de soude qui sent le cacao, l'eucalyptus et l'intuition ultra-avertie.

La formule sans bicarbonate de soude du conservateur est conçue pour ne pas irriter la peau sensible et est l'un de nos déodorants naturels les mieux notés, remportant récemment le prix du «meilleur déodorant» de CertClean.


Introducing routine's new baking soda free natural deodorant line up! Of course, we have to give our good pal baking soda credit. It is an amazing natural product, deodorizer and the star of our original well-loved formulas (which are still available, of course!) The thing is, baking soda is alkaline and for some people, at certain times, it can throw off their pH balance, in turn causing skin sensitivities . This is why, for our friends with sensitive skin, we have created four new deodorants in which baking soda is replaced with dietary magnesium (The Curator, Sexy Sadie, Blackberry Betty, Johnny's Cash) - a mineral that if you're not getting enough of, can cause your sweat to smell worse! As it happens, topically, magnesium works like a charm and makes our new formula as effective as the original routine. Another benefit of magnesium: it aids in relaxing the armpits, which in turn, fends off those woeful stress sweats! Did we mention you can use this routine on cuts, scrapes, and wherever else you need external calming or deodorizing? Amazing! Magnesium is a front-runner in the health and wellness world and we're excited to help you get your daily dose! + + positive!



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Sans Bicarbonate de soude - The Curator - déodorant - Routine

  • O! So Natural

  • Modèle: The Curator 58g - Routine.
  • Disponibilité: En stock
  • 28,00$

  • Prix en points récompenses: 560

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